What about security?

We get a lot of questions about security too.  Most of those questions are something like, “What should I buy to make my information more secure? While there are some things you need to have, the most important part of the answer is reading this…that means you!  Most security people will tell you that the weakest part of any security strategy whether is electronic security, personal security, building security or whatever is the people involved. So some quick pointers: 1. Use Passwords.  Computers, smartphones, tablets, and nearly any other electronic device has the ability to require a password, use it! 2. Use the automatic locking feature too.  After a certain length of time with no activity the device will lock and require the password. 3. Don’t click on linkswith out some thought.  Even if it looks like it comes from someone you know stop and think before you click.  Do the words sound like the person you received it from?  Is the email right?  This means not just the person’s name but is the email listed correct.  If you see only the person’s name, right click on it and look at the actual email address.  What time did it get sent?  Does the sender regularly send email at 3:30 am? A few years ago people’s emails and computers got hacked and the hacker would use email addresses and your email program to send you viruses from their email.  Now, with the growth of social networking (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc…) it is easier to figure out who your friends are without hacking a computer and sending a fake email that has your friend’s name on it but comes from an email account that doesn’t match. 4.  Use virus protection and firewalls.  MacAfee, Norton, AVG, and hundreds of systems are available and provide a good level of security. 5. Patch everything.  Most operating systems (Windows, Apple, and Linux) can be set to automatically check for patches and updates keep your operating system up to date, most programs can be set to do so too, and most virus protect and firewall programs can set to do this too.  DO IT! If you just do these things you reduce your chance of getting a virus or having your information stolen by 90% or more.

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